«Little flowers» of Pope Pius XII

In Italian mediaval literature,
the title Fioretti indicates a collection of tales from Saints’ private life.

It recalls a small flowers collection,
some of the most beautiful episodes of a Saint’s life;
examples of everyday virtues, in the small things,
such as those of St. Francis of Assisi, already popular in 1500.

It is an old story, then. Ancient and always new.
As ancient and always new the Saints given by Christ to the Church are.
As old and always new the Gospel is.

Pope Pius XII has his «little flowers» too.
Simple episodes, small, or sometimes even big but still intimate.

It is indeed in everyday life that is known only by few,
that Eugenio Pacelli – as Francis of Assisi and any other Saints –
was trying to follow and imitate Christ, perfect master.
From the stories of those who were near him every day
– not only during special occasions –
(his family and his dentist, Sr. Pascaline and who used to assiste him in office)
we will draw our Fioretti, collecting them from
the impressive work of the Positio super vita et virtutibus
prepared for the Canonization process.

1st Flower
«Jube me venire ad Te!»
2nd Flower
Pope’s gold to poor
3rd Flower
Let’s play at saying Mass!
4th Flower
A priest in Buenos Aires
5th Flower
Nuncio does (his) homework!